Welcome to Your EZ-NET Portal
To view 2024 provider system change updates, click here
**Alert: Beginning 1/1/2024 the EZ-NET Portal will have limited functionality due to system migration. Please note the following important information:
* EZ-NET will only allow the submission of Professional (CMS-1500) claims. * ONLY 2023 Dates of Service can be submitted. * Claims with Dates of Service 1/1/2024 and on will need to be submitted via the new Provider Portal.
Please refer to the link above or the plan website for additional information surrounding the system migration and to review commonly asked questions.
EZ-NET allows Providers to view authorizations and submit claim requests directly into the claim processing system. It allows you to inquire on status of an authorization or a claim as well as verify member eligibility. For those set up with EFT payments, remittance advices are available for view and/or download. In addition, you can look up procedure codes or diagnosis codes and other general reference information. Additional functionality can be reviewed in the User Guide below. You can access the training presentation as a quick guide for you to start using the EZ-NET Portal.
For any other questions, password resets, or support on the EZ-NET Portal, send an email to eznetsupport@allyalign.com. Alternatively, you may use the Contact Us tab on the EZ-NET homepage.
Be sure to include the following in your email: Your Full Name EZ-NET Portal Username, if you have one Provider(s) or Vendor(s)/Group(s) you are affiliated with Phone Number you can be reached A full description of your question or issue If applicable, a screen print that displays the message you are getting from the EZ-NET Portal